DIY Tassel Ornament

Haley Post diy tassel ornament my moonstone kitchen

Add some festive fun to your tree with this DIY jumbo tassel ornament! This quick and easy DIY project makes a wonderful holiday craft and a thoughtful handmade gift for friends and family.

Watch the full video tutorial here…

How to Make a DIY Jumbo Tassel Ornament


  • 1 piece of cardboard measuring 4-6 inches in width

  • chunky yarn

  • scissors


1. Begin by wrapping the yarn around your piece of cardboard 15-20 times. Snip off the end of the yarn.

2. Gently slide the looped yarn off of the cardboard. Cut a 12 inch long piece of yarn and pull it through the looped bunch of yarn. Tie a double knot in the end of the yarn and snip off the loose ends.

3. Carefully rotate the piece of yarn so that the knot is on the inside of the looped bunch of yarn. This will become the top of our tassel! Cut another strand of yarn (roughly 8-10 inches in length), and tie it around the top portion of the looped yarn horizontally, as pictured below. Make a tight double knot.

4. Trim the loose ends of the horizontal piece of yarn as close to the knot as possible. To smooth out the top of the tassel, carefully pull down on the individual pieces of yarn.

5. Twist the loop of string at the top and tie a tight knot as close to the round top of the tassel as possible.

6. Cut through the loops at the bottom to make the fringe, giving them a trim as needed to even it out. You’re all done with your beautiful jumbo tassel ornament!! Feel free to attach a metal ornament hook to the top before hanging it on your tree.


Happy Holidays!!

haley post diy ornaments

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